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Being born into a performance horse family enabled me to ride with some of the best trainers on some of the best equine athletes you will find.  I was blessed to learn from some of the best in several different disciplines, to this day I use fundamentals from each one in my daily training. You will find me incorporating my reining, roping, barrel racing & dressage knowledge on each horse as needed.


I did step back from training & competing to focus on my family for a time, but my passion still burned within me. My focus these days is less on winning (although I still LOVE to win) & more on how I can spread the love of God through my equine partners. We are all given passions & gifts from God, it is our job to use them in service to Him.  I have been given the gift of training these amazing athletes & a passion for helping others communicate with them effectively, all so that I can make disciples of all nations.


Matthew 28:19

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

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